The Great benefit of being one of our seminar takers....exclusive tech support.
We offer our students of continuing education a lifetime of tech support.
It is our great pleasure to help you become and blossom into a fantastic brow artiste'.
With our amazing tattooing expertise with over 65 years combined experience in all matters of tattooing, we can offer something like no other.
This exclusive hotline number is available only to our students.
We also offer our students the exclusive use of some of our trade marked names (NATURAL STROKE) (MICRO BROW) (MICROSTROKE BROWS)(3DHDBROW) (MICROSTROKE TECHNIQUES) (NATURAL STOKE TECHNIQUES) usages of these names gives you the edge and promotes consumer confidence of proper protocol training of this exclusive branding.
These trademarks shall not be fringed upon by other artists in print, media or advertising. This is our brand.
Exclusive trademarks are the following: As we have secured this by purchasing the actual domains for our students usages in media and in print.
(3dhdbrow,3dhdbrows,brow now, Hd3d brow,Hd3deyebrow, Hd3deyebrows,brows forever,diva brow, hyperrealism brow, hyperrealism brows, microblading pen, microblading world, microbrow technique, microbrow techniques, micro eyebrow, micro eyebrows, micro stroke techniques, micro hair Techniques, microstroke eyebrow, microbrow, eyebrow etching, brow etching, natural stroke brow, natural stroke, natural stroke brows, natural stroke eyebrows, ombre brow, ombre brows, ombre eyebrow, ombre eyebrows, shadow brow, shadow brows, only brows, and Natural Stroke Technique)
All these are the the exclusive branding of the Natural Stroke, and these exclusive usages and trademarked/branded.
Kindly refrain for calling us for tech support, if you have not taken our seminars, our availability is only to our students. Thank you...Mr. Tim
Phone tech support is available noon to 7 pm central time Monday thru Friday.